Fieg: editoria in crisi. Per i quotidiani perdite +100%

Tempi duri per l’editoria italiana. La Federazione italiana editori giornali nel rapporto sulla stampa 2006-2008 ha evidenziato una grave crisi del settore con un aumento delle perdite pari al 100% e un calo degli utili del 30%. Secondo la Fieg la crisi è destinata ad aggravarsi.

E’ facile prevedere che i numeri peggioreranno ulteriormente nel 2009 -afferma il presidente della Fieg Carlo Malinconico– se solo consideriamo che gli investimenti pubblicitari sui quotidiani nei primi due mesi di quest’anno sono diminuiti in media del 25%, con punte anche del 60% in alcuni giornali locali. Per i periodici il quadro non è significativamente diverso. Gli andamenti trimestrali di alcuni dei principali gruppi editoriali italiani presentano, nel corso del 2008, un costante peggioramento dei conti economici, con un picco negativo nell’ultimo trimestre dell’anno.

Gli editori chiedono aiuti concreti ed immediati al governo per superare al meglio la crisi. Tra questi alcuni interventi per rendere effettivo il quadro degli ammortizzatori sociali, la reintroduzione del credito di imposta per l’acquisto della carta e la riduzione di un’aliquota agevolata per l’Iva per il comparto dell’editoria.

1 commento su “Fieg: editoria in crisi. Per i quotidiani perdite +100%”

  1. Goodbue newspapers…?

    Is the crisis a consequence of economic ever worsening situation or can just be attributed to the new ways of circulating news offered by internet?
    Thanks to the diffusion of more and more fast connections and the wide spread of internet all web users can access instantly every kind of news and informations. And moreover this can be done for free, at least from the user’s point of view. The real market is behind the scenes: the huge and intricated world of advertising which is migrating from paper press to its web equivalent. The reader can get informations without paying anything and, at least apparently, the choice and availability of news is much greater. Moreover internet offers an interactive approach not available through standard newspaper.
    The advantages seem many….which are the drawbacks?
    One possible drawback could be found in the web organization itself maybe, intrinsic in all internet facilities. While reading an article the reader finds (almost stubs its toe on) a great amount of links one after the other. This is the web with its hypertext structure. It offers new hints and open one’s own point of view but can also divert from a complete, relaxing and focused reading.
    The new freedom offered by the web always depends on our own intelligent usage. For the standard reader the kind of fruition offered by the web is more difficult than the one offered earlier on the traditional papers. Maybe…
    The interactiveness may indicate more freedom of expression but also more ways to be deceived.
    Who is now the warrantor of the news?
    The users can’t make directly the questions to all degrees of people at all levels. This is the task of professional journalists and reporters and this is the reason why I hope a way of cohabitation of classical and new media will be reached.

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